MHPSS for children under COVID-19(2)

MHPSS for children

MHPSS ( Mental Health and Psychosocial Support ) for children under COVID-19 (2)

Schools, amusement parks and shopping malls are all closed. There is no field trip or after school activity. All you can watch on TV is serious-looking adults talking about COVID 19. But the coronavirus is invisible to adults and children. We would like to talk about what you can do and what your child can do during this this difficult time.

In the last article, we discussed the typical reactions and behaviors found among children in a society threatened by COVID 19. In this article, we will share with you the important tips about how to look after the children with such reactions and behaviors and listen to them.

“Look”, “Listen” and “Link”.

These are the tips. They may sound too simple but are based on disaster psychiatric medicine and psychology.


MHPSS for children

Most adults can look at things closely in a normal situation. However, we might miss lots of things in these stressful days when we need to protect our children from COVID 19. If your child behaves differently or irritate you with any of the behaviors we presented in the last article, they may be seeking an attention from you.


MHPSS for children

Adults think they are listening, but they may actually be talking instead. Children have intelligence and ability to solve problems on their own. Listening to your child also include “wait” until they solve problems on their own. When children feel that they are connected with their friends or there are things they can do, their problem-solving skills improve.

Moreover, when children have opportunities to choose what to play with, what to study, or do things at their own pace, their mental health is stabilized. With that said, such words as “Do this”, “Don’t do this now” or “Do quickly” may not be ideal if you want to keep their mind healthy. When you want them to do something, use positive words such as “It would be helpful if you could…” or “Let’s do it together”.


MHPSS for children

It is quite easy to do something for children.

However, it is unexpectedly difficult to provide them something, someone or information so that they can do things on their own.

It is time for you to engage with your children in a way to help them navigate through this unstable society threatened by COVID 19.

At the time of the Great East Japan Earthquake, many children in the area followed the rule to evacuate to a higher ground during an earthquake. Although many adults did not follow the rule, adults provided the children the information of the rule. Believing in children and connecting them to something, someone or information will protect their mental health.